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Cambridge Agreement on a Town Council


At A Gennerall Meeting of the whole Towne Itt was Agreed uppon by a Joynt Consent that 7 menn should be Chossen to doe the whole bussines of the Towne and soe to Continew untell the ffirst Monday in November next and untell new be Chossen in their Room soe ther was then Elected and Chossen in their Room soe ther was then Elected and Chossen

John Haynes Esqr
mr Symon Bradstreet
John Taylcott
Wiliam Westwood
John White
William Wadsworth
James Olmstead Constable


Itt is further Ordered by a Joynt Consent that whatsoever these Townsmen thuse Chosse [ ] shall doe In the Compas of ther tyme shall stand in as full force as if the whole Town did the same either for makeing of new orders or altering of ould ones

ffurther it is ordered that whatsoever prson they shall send for to help anny bussness and he shall refus to Come they shall have power to lay a fine uppon him and to gather [ ]

ffurther it is ordered that they shall have [ ] to attent uppon them to Imploy aboute any bussines at a publik charge

ffurther Itt is ordered that they shall meet every first Monday in a Mounth at [ ] in the After Noone accordinge to the former [ ]

Also ther was Chossen to Joyn [ ] James Olmstead Constable John Beniamen Daniell Denison Andrew Warner William Spencer which 5 accordinge to the order of Cour [t] to survey the Towne lands and enter [ ] a book Apointed for that purpose

Itt is further ordered that these 5 men meet every first Monday in the Mounth at the Constables house in the [ ] at the Ringing of the bell

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